Sax On Fire
Speciality Saxophone Acts & Living Red Carpet Act

Ideal for welcoming guests at your event on the red carpet, with a live sax player forming part of the red carpet.
Sax on Fire is a speciality act to create a wow factor at events. Rike on Sax conceptualized this act to give audiences something new and exciting as a special effect, added to her dynamic sax performance. This special effect on the saxophone involves pyrotechnics and requires a large area or stage to perform from. Sax on Fire is ideal for outdoor events, big shows on stages and open areas. Rike on Sax performs lively music and at highlight moments during the song, the sparkle effect will go off. This creates a big wow factor and has a spectacular effect.
Audiences are often looking for something new or creative and Sax on Fire as a specialty act will certainly fit the bill.

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